Executive Committee Papers 2022
24 June 2024Exploring Enterprise
24 June 2024Supporting the development of circular economy entrepreneurship
Learning Circle is an Erasmus + project with eight partners, led by Banbridge District Enterprise.
2019 was a landmark year for Europe with the launching of The European Green Deal with a target to make Europe the first carbon neutral continent by 2050. As Covid-19 struck in China and quickly spread to Europe, with devastating social and economic impact, the shine has somehow been taken-off this new era of environmental and social justice. States have gone into survival mode as the pandemic laid waste to society and the economy as we know it. The ability of national governments to save lives, save jobs and sustain vulnerable communities and sectors of the economy are now the key metrics of success. But climate change has not gone away and any re-booting of economies must take the environmental impact into consideration.
There is a growing sense that moving from a linear economic model to one that is circular by design will require a transformation that involves systemic changes in product design, manufacturing, service models and the ways goods and services are consumed. In this sense, it will require innovation on many levels. Circular business models (CBMs) are disruptive innovative business models aiming to drive the sustainability of the whole business network (system) through circularity. They are instruments of translating products and services
designed for reuse into attractive value propositions.
In a world where demand and competition for finite and sometimes scarce resources will continue to increase. Europe can benefit economically and environmentally from making better use of its precious resources.
Innovative entrepreneurs play an important role in boosting economies all over the world. Although they come from different backgrounds and environments, they share common traits, motives and competencies. They generally have a strong educational background and work experience of 5-10 years prior to launching their first venture. They are neither beginners nor novices. They are serial innovators who leave a portfolio of successful and not-so-successful ventures behind them at the end of their career.
Vocational Education Trainers are the key providers of the educational tools and resources to make the recovery of the Europe’s economy fair, equitable and environmentally sustainable. Learning Circle will support these trainers and circular economy businesses with a set of flexible, accessible resources including:
EduZines that introduce Circular Business Models and spread entrepreneurial skills for innovation using an accessible bite sized format.
In-service training for VET tutors that build their entrepreneurial spirit, understanding of the circular economy and digital skills for online teaching.
An area for online learning with access to all resources developed and to a network VET tutors, potential innovative circular economy entrepreneurs and business across Europe.