⸺Banbridge District Enterprises Ltd⸺
We offer a wide range of accommodation
Locations in Banbridge, Rathfriland and Gilford

⸻ Our Properties
Strategically placed centres
We have 2 centres in Banbridge – Banbridge Enterprise Centre and Banbridge Business Centre. As well as our centres in Banbridge we also have accommodation at Rathfriland Enterprise Centre and Dunbarton Court, Gilford.
Our Centres are strategically located in a pivotal geographical position within easy access of the A1 and M1 and in close proximity to all airports, 1hr 20 minutes from Dublin Airport, 1 hour from Belfast International Airport, 1 hour from George Best Airport.
All accommodation is designed to meet the needs of new and expanding businesses and a range of support services are available.
Banbridge Enterprise Ltd
by Numbers
Office / Unit Space
Over the 4 sites we manage in Banbridge, Gilford and Rathfriland we have a combined total of 31 offices and 49 units covering a combined space of 54,489 sq ft.
Entrepreneurs per year
The annual average number of entrepreneurs who achieve success with the support of our services throughout our properties.
Over our 4 sites in Banbridge, Gilford and Rathfriland there are currently 117 people employed full time by the businesses occupying our units and offices.
Managed Properties
The four primary properties under our management are strategically located in prime areas, including Banbridge, Gilford, and Rathfriland.
⸻ Tailor Made Offices
Banbridge Enterprise
Banbridge Enterprise Centre provides tailor-made office and industrial workspace for small businesses offering offices ranging in size from 200 to 500 sq ft. There are 34 Industrial units ranging in size from 600 to 2000 sq ft and they are tailor made to suit a range of manufacturing capabilities. We have ample parking and the centre boasts a high quality restaurant.
Banbridge Enterprise Centre
Scarva Road, Industrial Estate Banbridge, BT32 3QD

⸻ Modern Offices
Banbridge Business Centre
Banbridge Business Centre, offers tailor-made office and industrial workspace, there are 9 offices ranging in size from 250 to 700 sq ft and there are also 7 industrial units ranging in size from 540 to 1950 sq ft.
Banbridge Enterprise Centre
Scarva Road, Industrial Estate Banbridge, BT32 3QD
⸻ 9 Industrial Units
Rathfriland Enterprise Centre
Rathfriland Enterprise Centre is approximately 20 minutes from Banbridge and 20 minutes from Newry. There are 9 industrial units of varying sizes ranging from 491 to 1425 sq ft.
Rathfriland Enterprise Centre
Downpatrick Street, Rathfriland, BT34 5DG

⸻ Modern Office
Rathfriland Resource Centre
Also in Rathfriland is the Resource Centre which offers the services of a modern office with the ideal working environment for anyone setting up a business, working from home or travelling a lot as part of their work.
Facilities include a meeting area, co-working space available and free car parking. Desks can be hired by individuals or community groups on an hourly, half-day or full-day basis. Competitive rates are also available for frequent users.
Rathfriland Resource Centre
Downpatrick Street, Rathfriland, BT34 5DG
⸻ 6 Offices
Dunbarton Court
Dunbarton Court was set up by Gilford Community Regeneration Company in 2001 and is managed by Banbridge District Enterprises Ltd. It is conveniently situated on the main street in Gilford with off street parking to the rear of the building. It offers 2825 sq ft of office accommodation, 6 offices varying from 111 sq ft to 892 sq ft over 3 floors.
Dunbarton Court
40-44 Mill Street, Gilford, BT63 6HQ

Our Goal
is to Support & Advise
Our full team of experts are on hand to help and guide you on your journey.

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FREE Training

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